Threat Detection & Prevention

Insider Threat Detection & Prevention​

Continuous threat detection. Constant monitoring. Ever prepared (Threat Detection & Prevention)

The complexities of insider risk arise from individuals within an organization who possess legitimate access to corporate data and infrastructure. These insiders encompass employees, third-party contractors, and business partners. Insider Threat Detection & Prevention can involve the misuse of privileged access to steal, manipulate, or destroy valuable corporate or employee data. Additionally, security incidents can occur inadvertently by those with authorized access to corporate assets. While data breaches are the most prevalent security concern, it is also essential to address critical configuration changes and the inappropriate utilization of corporate assets within an insider security policy. Developing an effective insider threat management program requires specific strategies and dedicated insider threat management tools. Detecting and investigating incidents caused by insiders present significant challenges due to the following factors:

Insight Staff Monitoring software

All-in-one centralized employee computer monitoring software.

Detect and tracking employee risk or inappropriate behavior automatically, documents and files copied, deleted or sent. Insight Monitor working like a CCTV with alerts to protect employee fraud and prevent data loss.

Backing up all file opened at staff PC to ensure the data security, also encrypt the confidential files, to completely get rid of the risk of data loss

Control and Monitor  users activity, and websites filtering  , application, network traffic to reduce staff  non-work related activities during office hours

Staff productivity reports showing application used, website visited, keystrokes, active working time and idle time

Staff Monitoring Features:

Threat Prevention

With our Threat Detection & Prevention , we’ll handle all the headaches for you. No more spending hours on the phone, playing vendor roulette while your systems are down. We’ve got you.
Threat Detection Threat & Prevention